Dr Feller Offered Me A Free Fue Surgery!, Extreme generosity


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Hi to everyone that already knows my story so far with my hair transplant transformation journey (4 in total)....and those of you that dont know my story. Its been quite a journey of rocky times... :( but the road is now a brighter and much happier one :)

I have been posting my progress ever since the very 1st meeting with Dr Feller around 3 years ago when he made a remarkable change in my life by repairing an appalling UK hair transplant (performed by NOBEL HAIR CLINIC UK) this was back when I was 23 years old (I'm now 37) and totally destroyed my self confidence through the whole of my 20's and part of my 30's. I completely stopped seeing my mates and just hid under a hat when ever I left the house. I also hate wearing caps/hats as they are not the image I want to portray (chav image) but I had no choice after the Noble Clinic completely butchered me, leaving me with terrible donor scarring/ recipient scar tissue and totally unnatural groups of 5 and 6 plugs in the front hairline spaced way to far apart! :shakehead:

I have been quiet for a few months as I felt I needed to get my life together... I was starting to do things and go out a lot more than before... so I havent posted for a while.. and just been 'finding myself again'.

Well... from the time I had a terrible UK hair transplant 10+ years ago, I lost all contact with friends and stopped wanting to go out and socialise as I felt a freak show and very depressed!! (It really is an emotional thing for me to even think about this as I write this right now as I dont say depressed lightly!!! I was at an all time low taking anti-depressents).

Since then Dr Feller and his super techs! had filled and packed in around 5000 grafts into my front 3rd to give me a result better than I could ever have dreamed of having ever again in my life!!! (I truly can not say this enough!! This has truly changed my life to the extent that I have even been dating a lovely girl which wouldn't have even of been ANY HOPE of doing this without my new found confidence with knowing that I look 'normal!!' and no longer like a freak show!! :thumbdown2:

So... here is something I can not even believe has occurred to me over the last few days!!!

I havent been to NYC for longer than few days at a time before just enough to have hair transplant's with Feller Medical (and always on my own). I wanted to go back and see the sights and even more with someone to share the experience of the awesome sights in NYC!!

I had already told my girlfriend that I have had my hair transplant's there and visted Manhatten (she said from the very start it has never bothered her one bit as she thinks it looks really good and would never know unless I had told her) and I wanted to visit Dr Feller to show him how far I have come along since he last saw me (exactly 2 years ago). As I know how pleased I am....and wanted him to see it for himself.

A few days before I was due to leave NYC I dropped in to see Dr Feller and one of the 1st things he told me was 'I already knew you would look this good!' and 'a world apart from before' he had already expected to see me looking a world apart from the damaged guy that walked in that very 1st time with unnatural thick black twisty whirly plugs (by Noble Clinic UK!!!!) This was so nice to hear that he was just as pleased as I was!!

I think it was knowing how sad I was before in my life to transform me to how I am today is quite something special (I was truly rock bottom it was just pure luck from searching the Internet and meeting SPEX that my life changed completely!!!! ;) ). I had worn a cap on my head for well over 10 years since the Noble UK work... and I was reaching breaking point if I am being honest!

Some months ago I just briefly mentioned about feeling some hair greed and would like a slightly fuller hairline as the Noble work was still very slightly evident in the direct hairline. This was most likely hard to detect by onlookers unless you are aware of them and it being my head....I was still aware a few of them were still just making the difference from being a natural hairline for me that I can no longer have an concerns about... like I said....in all honesty.... it was hair greed!! and I didn't like having ANY reminder of them as it was a really bad time for me to live with those for a very long time.

I mentioned to Dr Feller how he has transformed not only my hairline but my life!! which is pretty amazing to me to even be writing this now.....and believing that I have been given another chance to really GO FOR the things I want in LIFE NOW!! I am so much more positive about my future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry for all those !!!! but they were needed and truly meant).

After a chat and Dr Feller wanting to take some pics... he said he wasn't entirely happy that the hairline as there was still some NOBEL micro grafts evident at the very front. He showed me there was still a few groups/plugs that had re-shown themselves and he really wanted to FIX them up once and for all!! I am not a rich guy so had no chance of paying for a final session to finish off the hairline to the ultimate result....so I was thinking 'OK, I will have to save up for a few years and come back again'. The trip to NYC was a gift from my girlfriend... as I kept telling her how awesome it was and wanted her to see it with me, we both had time off so seemed the perfect opportunity to go back.

Sorry this is becoming a long write up! I am trying to say everything I am thinking of and its been a while :unsure: ....without stretching this out too long!! as the next thing that happened whilst visiting Dr Feller was something that I totally unexpected! :shock:

He knew my financial situation was not one that I could afford to pay for a further final session to finish off my hairline by 'filling in between the Noble work' to completely leave them undetectable. He then asked when I was going to be flying back home. I had 2 days left of my trip so he asked if I would be able to come in the following morning and he would be willing to do a FUE session FREE OF CHARGE!!! on my hairline to resolve any of those issues remaining!!!! :eek: I couldn't even believe I was being offered this kind of generosity/support/help/kindness from the very best hair transplant Doctor in the field!! Dr Feller must be the most caring guy I have ever met! I have to say I was shocked to have such an offer of this kind and was not expecting this what so ever! I was/am just so grateful I can not even start to tell you how grateful I am. I would never have been able to afford this is all truthfulness.

So, to bring my fellow hair loss guys up to date, I have only just got back home a few hours ago... I had a few hours sleep as I was just so tired after the flight. It went so well... I was out by 2.30pm yesterday and just seemed to fly past... I am now back in the waiting game again.. I am kind of getting used to this by now! lol.

Dr Feller and all his super team of techs by using FUE have placed some new finer/softer hairs between the thicker grafts in my hairline to leave a softer natural result. I am not sure of the graft count, but the fronts were all singles as you would expect and 2's going further back (approx 1" back into the front triangles) I would hazard a guess of approx 800? FUE grafts. The left side needed more than the right and Dr F removed some remaining Nobel nasties! to improve things further still. This is my 1st FUE so the experience was quite different from the strip procedures before hand... I felt very comfortable the whole time... at times I thought I was laying back on my hotel bed and started to fall asleep! all the sight seeing the previous days had really worn me out too!

I am still really quite tired and this hasnt fully sunken in yet! havent eaten anything yet so I will post up more soon as things progress... and some pics in due time.. I know these are what people want to see... in total this is my 3rd Dr Feller hair transplant and each time my life just improves beyond words.

Thank you to everyone that has supported me along my very long journey and tuff road... this is really quite an amazing situation and I know this is a unique situation I am in and have been offered.... and I just once again want to say how incredibly grateful I am!! MANY THANKS DR FELLER ALL YOUR SUPER STAFF AND SPEX that have changed my life beyond words.

Cheers everyone for all your support I hope this helps to show that anyone in a similar situation can be helped!! you can get your life back on track... I just want you to know... by finding these forums... you have possibly made the best discovery of your life just by finding these forums just like I did... it was just pure luck for me as a last grasp for some kind of hope!! but it was the luckiest thing I ever did for sure.

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: NEVER HAVE A hair transplant IN THE UK!!!!!! Travel!! Stop thinking UK Clinic are anywhere near the Level of USA/Canada hair transplant procedures. This is my own opinion from my own experience.

Take care guys....I'll post some updates regularly...to show how things are going... hang in there everyone... I know this is a unique situation.. and will complete a very long Roller Coaster journey for me now :)



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Okay, I have had some food and a bath.... and given my hair its first wash.. and rinsed the recipient area and soaped up the donor area to clean it up.. here are some pics.. less of my talking more visual stuff for you to see here...

Some pics where I started... before Dr F helped repair the situ...

Nobel Clinic Hair Transplant pics.. I lived with it like this for over 10 years.. :ph34r:


http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k203/junkstuff001/hair transplants.jpg


These were taken as soon as I got back to my hotel... approx 30 mins after my surgery... (before wash/clean up the next day) please note: all the hair you can still see at the front is hair transplant hair that was not trimmed for the surgery and left long...





This is the day after my surgery... 1st wash tonight about 1 hr ago... looking cleaner now..




Front sides filled.. giving a more natural hairline and fuller triangles.. very zoomed in...




Covering the FUE with the existing hair.... I think in 1 - 2 months I will have enough coverage to conseal the new surgery..



The crown is holding up pretty well since I have been taking finasteride.... just ordered abnother supply as my 1st order lasted over a year.. deffinitely worth taking if your considering surgery... meds I think I a must to hold into your native hair.. you cant beat your own hair rather than replacing what you have lost.




My hair after 2 Feller Medical procedures... (before I had this lastest 3rd session)

Incredible transformation!!



I think pics speak a million words... so I have tried to use them to speak for me.. I think its clear to see why I am so surprised at my own transformation when you look at how bad I was at the start.. just awesome.. just to repeat myself again.. thanks for all the support everyone... I really needed it to get me here ;)


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Congrats BHUK good luck with the healing. :)


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monty1978 said:
Dude i am genuinly happy for you. It sounds like my story a little. My life has been pretty much ruined by hairloss. Became a recluse etc etc. Anyway, you have given a receder with a massive forhead a glimmer of hope. I can maintain on low, low doses of finasteride in my minoxidil without sides but I cant get my hairline back. I am pretty much sold on feller now his reuslts including yours are consistently outstanding and it is important to me that he is a nice fella too. (excuse pun).

All the best mate

Excellent hair :punk:

Thanks for all your kind posts... it was really good to read through them :)

Monty... I hear you... I just want to say I was there and there is more than glimmer of hope... theres not even any doubt about it :) live in the knowledge from guys like me... that its where you can be (will be!) too! ;)

Going with Dr Feller takes away all the worry, you know once your there your in the best hands and you just have to be a patient...patient. As well as Dr Feller being a Top Feller! ;)

(I like your pun ;) ) wish u the absolute best and everyone else too!

Here's a quick update so far:

7 days post surgery... I always was a slow healer.. pleased I have the longer hair on top that now is pretty much able to cover the FU's.. but wont be looking closely for another few months.. just a quick idea for you to see how it looks after 1 week.. (a comb hasnt seen my hair so its straight out of bed look.. )



Senior Member
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Looks great, and thanks for sharing the whole story. Despite all the procedures, your hair looks pretty solid, and I'd expect that 9 out of 10 people wouldn't notice anything amiss with your barnet were they to walk past you in the street. Good job.


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Boondock said:
I'd expect that 9 out of 10 people wouldn't notice anything amiss with your barnet were they to walk past you in the street.

I'd expect 999 / 1000 would'nt notice anything.


Senior Member
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Looks really good! I live in NY. This Dr. Feller seems good, anyone else ever hear of him?


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Boondock said:
Looks great, and thanks for sharing the whole story. Despite all the procedures, your hair looks pretty solid, and I'd expect that 9 out of 10 people wouldn't notice anything amiss with your barnet were they to walk past you in the street. Good job.

Thanks Boondock :) its easily the best thing I have ever done in my life.. nothing else could have given me a new start like this has...bit of a waiting game now but after this delay I will be doing so many things I have wanted to for so long and never thought I would! awesome.. and thanks again.


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s.a.f said:
Boondock said:
I'd expect that 9 out of 10 people wouldn't notice anything amiss with your barnet were they to walk past you in the street.

I'd expect 999 / 1000 would'nt notice anything.

Cheers s.a.f... its great to hear from u mate! thanks for all the support when I most needed it.. I made it through! lol. Thanks.


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Nene said:
Looks really good! I live in NY. This Dr. Feller seems good, anyone else ever hear of him?

Thanks Nene.. soon as your start to research the leading hair transplant clinics you will find Dr Feller is the ultimate hair transplant Dr in the industry. I went to him to have mine repaired... I didnt think I had a chance to look like this.. I think this speaks volumes.

Also, your in NY.. now I'm jelous of you! I love it there but take me 8 hrs on a plane each way ;) take care.


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monty1978 said:
It would take an astute mo fo to notice anything about his hair. I know for a fact he has had transplants and I can't tell.

Im totally sold. Ive been deliberating for 5 years now. I want my temples and hairline filled in but dont want strip. Feller is the man for me

Thank you Monty :) means a lot to hear this, thank you.

I'll update in a few months :)


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It looks good because the hairs go the correct direction. Bosley did not even look at my curl direction when putting in my hairs. I think Bosley is a chain of any half rate doctors who pay for the franchise name. Some are better than others. My doctor made all my grafts curl backwards when the rest of my hair naturally curls forwards.


Established Member
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Dude you say your 37 ? Well you got the hair of a 20 year old now man.....i mean holy cow thats insane. I honestly feel some of these hair transplant Docs are not only just doctors........but pure artists ! Im new to this hairloss forum and im 27 and just noticed im starting to lose mine......and now i think im sold on getting a transplant.

Seeing how good your hair looks now should be an inspriation to all. I would like to thank you for sharing your story, pix and progress to us because now i see another option.

As far as price is conserned i sorta think of a hair transplant as this........sure i could finance 26,000 on a new Dodge Ram pick up i always wanted, or i can spend that on some hair that will last me the rest of my life.

Thank you again, and the hair is looking good, so you can gel it and spike it up with no problem ?


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CCS said:
It looks good because the hairs go the correct direction. Bosley did not even look at my curl direction when putting in my hairs. I think Bosley is a chain of any half rate doctors who pay for the franchise name. Some are better than others. My doctor made all my grafts curl backwards when the rest of my hair naturally curls forwards.

Sorry for the late reply guys! Just havent been on here for a while.

Thanks CCS, this is really important to have the hair flowing its natural direction. This was part of my repair work after a bad UK hair transplant I had 1st of all. I had to have many of the ones pointing backwards and directly skywards removed as they looked rediculous! :thumbdown2:

My hair also flows forwards naturally and this is how the new FU's are placed and this is great for me.. I am really happy with how my hairline looks now..which I never thought would ever be possible to have it back again.. its amazing to say that its back! Its a really good feeling... thank you :)


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DarkVctry said:
Dude you say your 37 ? Well you got the hair of a 20 year old now man.....i mean holy cow thats insane. I honestly feel some of these hair transplant Docs are not only just doctors........but pure artists ! Im new to this hairloss forum and im 27 and just noticed im starting to lose mine......and now i think im sold on getting a transplant.

Seeing how good your hair looks now should be an inspriation to all. I would like to thank you for sharing your story, pix and progress to us because now i see another option.

As far as price is conserned i sorta think of a hair transplant as this........sure i could finance 26,000 on a new Dodge Ram pick up i always wanted, or i can spend that on some hair that will last me the rest of my life.

Thank you again, and the hair is looking good, so you can gel it and spike it up with no problem ?

Thanks DarkVctry, thats really a uplifting reply to hear and I really appreciate it! To hear I have hair of someone in there 20's is awesome.. just to hear that is awesome., thank u! :)

Yes, I'll be 38 this July and until a few years back I had just been hiding away since I was about 23 because I was so ashamed of how I looked! I would seriously just cry in my room knowing all my mates were out dating gorgeous girls and I was alone night after night and too ashamed to even take my cap off my head even to answer my own front door!

NOW things are a world apart from back then, I cant tell you how much this means to me!! Dr Feller really has given me back my life, not just my hair....I will always be extremely grateful to Dr F and Spex who has been a real mate to me through the entire hair transplant road trip!

I'm not wealthy but to have my hair back I would have done anything to get it like this again. I also like nice cars but if it was a choice between having my hair back or 100 Pagani Zonda's... it wouldnt even matter to me how many cars I could have... the hair would be without a doubt worth more than any material object to me, I feel the same as you about that.

Yes, I can style my hair now some crazy hair styles :) I am making up for having no hair! and just making it look crazy to celebrate its return!! I only use a quick spray gel to set the style.. and it looks like this..

This is the latest pics... only 3 months post my last FUE...




Thanks again and I wish you all the best guys!! :)