Dr. DeYarman 5400 grafts FUT, 2 years post-op


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It doesnt look like all the grafts grew. Are you sure about the graft count? I've never heard of this Doctor before.


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Damn that does look terrible, thanks for the heads up bud.
One way you could most likely make it look okish, if you slick it all back and have your sides longer than usual and have them slicked inwards to add more width.
There are things you can do to make your hair have the appearance of thickness just by making it longer, though it would demand alot of upkeep.

Damn actually it could look good if you went for a shaven look, like have your hair transplant hair a grade 2 and your hair on the sides a grade 1, hell you never know it could look good. Get a good scalp micropigementation, be careful though some of them look ****ing terrible and some of the guys doing it have no idea what they're doing.
some examples online are ****ing laughable....


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That's in no way 5400 grafts. I think it's 5400 hairs maybe but not grafts. How many died in the process of moving them? Also try what SayifDoit says. It might look better and if it works why not go with it. ;)


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That unfortunately doesn't seem like a good hairline.
And read there, he did a STRIP, he can't buzz it.


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By adding hair in the frontal zone and midscalp you can get a fuller look there which when viewed from horizontal plane will look good. If the thin crown is mostly graft it should stay stable. This will look thinning but youthful which is a perfectly good look as you age. Hairline difficult to assess but I would guess pretty high from what I see, which is a plus. I also think longer length will help with coverage.


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It looks pretty good to me. The scar is regrettable but you could just lie about how you got it.

The Joker cut a smiley face on the wrong side of his head.