double chin help


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Guys, since I stopped with nicotine I have been eating much more unhealthy food and because of that I now got a double chin. Double chins never looks good but it looks like a ****ing freakshow when you are bald!!! So I have now changed my diet, and begun running.

Any other tips how I can get a very slim chin and neck? I want it as slim as possible its one of the few ways to look decent when you are bald.


Senior Member
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Neck exercises. I used to have a girlfriend that was an expert in neck exercises.


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In most cases you cannot spot reduce need to lower your overall body fat percentage to see changes

Walter Kerman

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Guys, since I stopped with nicotine I have been eating much more unhealthy food and because of that I now got a double chin. Double chins never looks good but it looks like a ****ing freakshow when you are bald!!! So I have now changed my diet, and begun running.

Any other tips how I can get a very slim chin and neck? I want it as slim as possible its one of the few ways to look decent when you are bald.

Reducing body fat may help reduce double chin.Practice neck exercises along with that.


Senior Member
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neck exercises :roll:

u have a double chin because your fat... quite simple actually. Most likely above 20% BF/

- don't live such a sedontary life style
- eat at a caloric defecit. depending on weight between 1500-1800 is the sweet spot. reduce carbs almost entirely... very few needed. Rely on good fats such as olive oil, peanuts, and high protein diet.
- Train religiously

it's not rocket science to loose weight, despite what most think


Established Member
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Check out ATX-101 by Kythera. It's supposed to melt chin fat. They also acquired the rights to Setipiprant for male pattern baldness. Interesting company.


New Member
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You would have to lose body fat everywhere on your body to lose it on your face.Generaly at 20% or lower the double chin dissapears


New Member
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It's because you have to much body fat and/or you eat too much sodium.

Lose weight and try to reduce sodium intake to get rid of a bloated face.


New Member
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lose weight or get liposuction. double chin is just fat, unless your skin is stretched out from being really obese for a long time.