Does it mean that if we drink Propecia...



we are going to lose more hair than if we don't drink it?

What is the sense of this?

I am asking because I want to know all effects before I buy it.

Also, is it true that people shed more with Generic Propecia than with Prescribed Propecia?

Please no links or "search the forum" responses, just honest answer.


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Before answering your questions, I would like you to answer this:

How do you think that the fine blonder hairs on your scalp will be replaced by thicker darker hairs while on treatment?


I'm not a doctor, so I don't know what will happen.

And people in this section of forum, are reporting shedding for months, and they don't see new hairs replacing the old ones.

Not to name, that when they ask if they will ever have their old hairs (they lost due of Propecia) replaced for new ones, nobody answers... that is scary.

I am learning and want to be informed of what could happen when I start with propecia.

I hope someone here can help.


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GoodGuy said:
And people in this section of forum, are reporting shedding for months

This is because it is the 'shedding' forum section.


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I will try to give an honest answer here.

There are several scenarios:

1. You have started a regimen and it works.

You respond. You respond so well, that your follicles are shocked in a new cycle needing to enlarge and produce a healthier thicker hair that expresses this new healthier environment created by treatments.

Now there are a few subcases on this:

1a. You are getting your hair back after a couple of really scary sheds. What was motivating you to post on Hairlosstalk Shedding! category- panic, frustration- seizes to exist. So you come here no more.

1b. You get your hair back and since you really like to share success you return here and let everyone know, while recalling nostalgically the bad taste those days when you used to spend hours and hours in front of your computer thinking about loss and watching your social life fade away had.

(I will let you choose which of the two is more probable).

1c. You sh*t your pants in the middle of the first noticeable shed. You start thinking that you will never get it back, that the treatment destroyed your hairline and that you are one of those people reporting 3 year continuous sheds. You drop treatments when things were about to bloom, you lose valuable time, or even any chance to get it back if you never attempt treating it again.

1d. You never notice shedding, although it is happening. During the same year you are given the" Most Observant Man on Earth" award. You are forced to thank your parents in front of the crowds, knowing that they are the ones that passed that male pattern baldness gene to you.

2. Your regimen works fairly well, you never experience a shed and you get maintenace(which is great success) and possibly some regrowth after many months.

3. You have started on a regimen and it does not work.

Two subcases here:

3a. You never gave proven treatments a chance to work. You wanted to go natural, or try products whose companies never had solid proof of success so they never went for FDA testing. You ignored that the underlying cause is known and fixed and a natural product treating it(if it really does) has as good a chance to cause sides as a lab produced one. As these products can be irritants or ineffective, your hairloss continues and you fool yourself into thinking this is a beneficial shed while you continue to lose hair full speed.

3b. You chose the proven route. But, luck is a b**ch, each body is unique and responds differently. Treatment shocks you into a neverending Telogen Effluvium or the underlying cause is too strong to reverse with the treatment. You continue to bald while possibly having the new refreshing goal of recovering from a Telogen Effluvium.

4. You never had male pattern baldness in the first place. The cause of loss is different and male pattern baldness treatments have obviously no effect.

5. You never start on a treatment. Hairloss does not bother you at all, besides it's just hair and you just accidentally typed ... 606#176606 instead of

6. You are one of those phenomenal guys who notice 30 hairs in the shower and panic, either they are balding or not, thinking that hairs should stay up there like spaghetti pouring out of their head for ever and ever. You stress continuously beyond human limits, while losing normal amounts of hair and, if lucky, cause some real loss, so that you are not imagining things.

Now, while this was an attempt to present different possible scenarios, the probability of each is not equal. Proven treatments work for most, sheds occur to many, EVERYONE that goes through a shed freaks out a bit.

Any change in hair takes time and cycles. Every cycle presupposes shedding, as improvement presupposes change and renewal.

A man who never responded could flood a forum. A man who succeeded will probably never return.

Best of luck.


SE-freak, thanks for the explanation!

Unfortunately, I think I have no chance, but to risk and go for Propecia :(

Or maybe shave my head before I start with propecia, that way I won't freak out, since I won't notice my sheddings :eek:


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GoodGuy said:
Or maybe shave my head before I start with propecia, that way I won't freak out, since I won't notice my sheddings :eek:

The majority of people who use finasteride do not shed.

You are not guaranteed to shed, you are more likely to not shed and even if you do you are unlikely to even notice the effects cosmetically.


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Yes. The initial "boom! wtf?" shed is mostly due to minoxidil. I have experienced one and it can be very noticeable. My scenarios were more related to treatments including stimulants.

You will probably not experience a shed if you start a Propecia+Nizoral regimen.

Keeping in mind that considering any drug regimen in general should be a sober decision following personal research, if hairloss troubles you and you wish to treat it, propecia is the less risky option. It is FDA approved, works for a large amount of people, treats the underlying cause of the balding process and side effects are not common.

Do not start out being scared, if you have collectedly decided to go this route. Mind can play tricks.