come on grow


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now i have 8 spot.i keep wearing hats, caps anything to cover these shiny white long should i wait? i'm tired of my hair.i even wear hat at home.
i had injection + using thymusil
please anyone with thymusil result?


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i have been using thymusil for about 3 weeks now and it actually does seem to be working. the first two weeks nothing happened but just this last week i've noticed some very thin white hairs growing where the bald patches were. i dont know if i'll get my normal hair color back but at least there is something happening


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I had my first patch appear April 2005. It just got worse from there...they started on the side, then the back and then the top. I grew out my hair and was able to conceal most of it but it was tough. I got monthly injections and nothing else and eventually they started growing back. What would happen is that I would get 1-3 new patches a month while others started to grow back in. It went one for over a year until the new patches got smaller and less frequently. I have not had a new patched since May or June and stopped injections in May. THe last patch I got has not fully grown in and never got the benefit of an injection. It is small and is growing back slowly. In all of this though, I have noticed the patches grow in slightly thinner. I guess with time, it will get fuller but I cannot see the where all the old patches are. THe effect is that my hair looks overall a little thinner. It is hard to tell if I just have diffuse thinning or it is just the effects of AA as I had so many patches. I probably had patches over a third of my head throughout the entire duration. Hopefully things will get 100% back to normal.

I hope things goes well for you.