1 year progress


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Long time reader first time commenter here. Im a 22 year old male whose hairline began receding in my late teens then thinning around 20. I tried to ignore it for quite some time until i got a buzz cut just before my 21st birthday and I looked in the mirror and decided i could no longer deny it....I was going bald. After bouts of sadness and lethargy i decided to google what my options were. I came across websites like these that talked about different options for hairloss. I decided that if I was ever going to take a chance and grab my hairloss by the horns, now was the time. I did quite a bit of reading and then visited a dermatologist who perscribed me with generic finasteride 1mg daily. She also said that i probably had some Telogen Effluvium going too but didnt offer me much of a solution for that. So i started taking Finasteride that day.
Almost exactly a year has passed and boy what a year has it been on my hair journey. Once on finasteride i almost immediately started shedding quite alot. This of course was very unnerving, especially when it didn't stop shedding. Months and months of shedding wore on. I was discouraged, i wondered whether or not it being generic made a difference, i tinkered with my regimen adding and subtracting things, and mostly i wondered if i was just a lost cause because most people only shed for 3 months and here i was in month 6 still shedding like nobodys business. I decided to cut back to just finasteride, quit studying my hairline everyday in the mirror, and just get on with my life and see what happened.
6 months after that decision something wonderful happened today. I took a close look at my hairline as i do only from time to time and saw was actually pleased with what i was seeing. Now, for a few months i had noticed my hair slowly getting thicker especially in the crown despite a constant shed. The temple region was much slower going and i shed a WHOLE lot more hair there but slowly, very slowly, i could see new hairs sprouting. So while looking at my hairline i began playing with hair. For the past couple years this is something i considered taboo. I hated the feeling of my hair falling out in my hands every time i even touched my head and the very thought of messing up my hair in public revealing my receding and thining hair to the world was terrifying. But i noticed as i played with my hair how good my hair felt. It felt healthy and thicker than it has in a long time. The best part though was after several minutes of playig with my hair i realized something: i had counted the number of hairs that fell out while running my fingers through. 2 hairs fell out. Two freakin hairs! That was it! It was liberating and gratifying.
To anybody that made it to the end of this monologue i salute you for reading and hope that my story can give you just a little more courage to be parient. My hair is not where id like it to be but damn if it isnt a whole lot closer than it was. So I'll continue what im doing and when i stop seeing the new baby hairs sprouting up and then falling out to be replaced by my brown hair, I'll add something new.
Dont give up friends! Stick with your regimen because honestly if youre already balding anyways you might as well give it a fair shot.


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I have the bottles and was using it for a bit but found it hard to get into a good routine of application. Totally not against adding it again in the future though, especially if the new growth in the temple region slows down.